
What’s Up With Jamaal?


Jamaal is a multi-talented individual based in Los Angeles, California. He has a passion for photography, producing, and acting. Jamaal's extensive experience in these fields has made him a sought-after professional by aspiring actors and models in the industry.

Jamaal's interest in photography began at a young age, and he quickly realized that he had a talent for capturing people's essence through his lens. With his unique perspective and keen eye for detail, he began to develop a portfolio that showcased his skills as a photographer. In 2012, Jamaal, launched PhotosByJamaal!
As Jamaal's reputation grew, he found himself working with top-tier talent agencies and casting directors, providing them with headshots and portfolios for their actors. His images were in high demand, and his work quickly gained recognition in the industry.

In addition to his photography work, Jamaal is also an accomplished actor. He has appeared in numerous commercials, plays and films.  Jamaal's experience on both sides of the camera has given him a unique understanding of the entertainment industry, allowing him to create content that resonates with audiences.

Jamaal's ultimate goal is to help aspiring actors and models succeed in the industry. He believes that a great headshot is the first step towards achieving that success, and he works tirelessly to ensure that his clients receive the best possible representation. His focus is always on helping his clients achieve their goals, and he takes great pride in seeing them succeed.

To connect with Jamaal and learn more about his work, you can find him on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Whether you're a new or established actor or model, Jamaal is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and succeed in the competitive entertainment industry.